Treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins (varices) – is a chronic disease that is characterized by a complex expansion of the veins with the violation of the outflow of blood and its stagnation in the venous system.

At first the pores of the varicose veins do not cause any discomfort and is the only reason for cosmetic defects: the formation of translucent through the skin of the intricate veins of a bluish-brown shade.


Symptoms of varicose veins

It is necessary to turn to phlebologist, when they found at least one of the following symptoms of varicose veins:

  • translucent through the skin tortuous veins on the legs;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the legs, rapid fatigue;
  • non-uniform brownish pigmentation of the skin in the region of the limbs and ankles;
  • recurrent pain in the legs;
  • swelling of the lower limbs and feet, which usually appear after prolonged standing or sitting with his head bowed down the legs;
  • episodic occurrence of spasm in the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • in the later stages of the disease – ulcerative defects of the skin of the legs or in the area of the joints.

I observe in himself the first symptoms of diseases of the veins, don't hesitate and immediately consult a specialist-a phlebologist. The latest diagnostic device, how to get rid of varicose veins, allowing experienced doctors to identify the disease at an early stage and prevent complications.

The main causes for the formation of varicose veins

To varicose veins more often lead to:

  • congenital weakness of the vein wall, which leads to the development of varicose veins and inherited;
  • gender – women suffer from varicose veins on the legs twice more often, than men. According to one theory it is related with wearing high heels;
  • long stay on his feet. Often varicose veins of the suffering people, a profession which is connected with the work, "feet": salespeople, teachers, stylists and more;
  • age – varicose veins often develops after 45 years;
  • physical inactivity, work that requires a longer stay in a standing position, or a sedentary lifestyle;
  • unnecessarily intensive physical load;
  • obesity and being overweight.

Stage of varicose veins

1 phase – phase offset. Referred to manifestations of venous insufficiency no. Troubled by discomfort and rapid fatigue of the legs.

2 stage – the stage of subcompensation. Appear are feelings of pain, the veins start to bulge under the skin in the form of knots.

3 phase – the phase of decompensation. Characterized by a significant violation of the outflow of blood from the lower limbs, developing trophic violations of skin, it is possible to education the long treatment of venous leg ulcers.

At the clinic for the treatment of varicose disease, it is necessary to solve already at the occurrence of the symptoms of the first stage – so it will be easier and faster to get rid of the disease, but also prevent the development of complications.

Complications of varicose veins

Lipodermatosclerosis \ white atrophy of the skin

Lipodermatosclerosis – fibrous degeneration of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Tissue while they lose their elasticity and mobility. An extreme form of lipodermatosclerosis white atrophy of the skin.

Trophic eczema \ dermatitis

Eczema occurs in the later stages of varicose veins and presents inflammation and redness of the skin area on the feet. During the progression of varicose impairs the nutrition of the skin, which leads subsequently to the formation of venous ulcers.

Varicose veins

Acute deep vein thrombosis

On the basis of this complication of varicose disease – formation of a blood clot (clot) in the deep veins of the lower extremities, which is with the flow of blood can get into the heart or lungs. The condition requires immediate medical attention!


Thrombophlebitis – an inflammation of walls of veins with the formation of a clot, sealing the height of the container. In most cases, thrombophlebitis is the result of "running" forms of varicose veins.

Trophic ulcer

This is not the treatment of a puncture of the skin, developing on the background of venous stasis, requires a comprehensive treatment.

Bleeding from varicose veins

Bleeding most often originates from venous inflammation of the ulcers, however, can be and from the dilated veins. First aid for bleeding of varicose veins: it is necessary to impose punitive bandage directly on the bleeding site, hold step raise above the horizontal level, further hospitalization is required.

Prevention of varicose veins

To never meet with varicose veins, it is necessary to:

  • if possible, avoid prolonged standing or sitting; give up the habit of sitting for a long time in the position of the feet on the foot;
  • not prevent the occurrence of unnecessary kilograms;
  • regularly engaged in physical culture (fitness, swimming, etc.);
  • pick up comfortable shoes, try not to wear high heel shoes every day.

Treatment of varicose veins

Today the removal of varicose veins on the legs happens most often without the traumatic intervention, as it was even 10-15 years ago. Recovery after the treatment takes a minimum of time!